Phuentsholing is currently categorized under red zone. Under this situation, the re-opening of the school is never seen possible given the nature of virus and its transmission rate. For about a month, PMSS was preparing internally for the relocation of the school after receiving an informal direction from the Ministry of Education (MoE). To act on this, a series of intense online meeting through Zoom application was conducted within staff to plan various feasible strategies for smooth transition during the relocation process. The management has communicated with the management of Thinleygang Primary School and had a series of discussion and deliberation to stabilize various issues from both the ends. The ultimate decision after various meetings and preparation was to inform both staff and students to prepare accordingly and get ready to abide with the plan to move in newly relocated school. Thereon all class teachers had a series of discussion with their students through various social media platforms on relocation plans and procedures. The confirmed date is on 15th September, 2020 for all staff and students to travel to the allocated new location to continue the school. Before the departure, everyone will undergo COVID-19 test which is schedule on 13th September, 2020. The buses carrying students will have escort teachers along with Dessups