Captain Election

Posted on:2022-10-04Posted By:Sangay Dorji

Voting plays a vital role in democracy in electing the right leader through fair and justice manner. As quoted by John Lewis, the late civil rights activist and a member of the US House of Representative for Georgia, the voting is precious as it is the most powerful non-violent tool in a democratic society, PMSS’s SWA team and Democracy Club conducted the captain election through EVM starting from the morning hours on 1st October.


Club members were distributed into three polling stations as Polling officers, Security team, Presiding officers, and management team as an observer and returning officer.

All the students from classes V to X and the teachers and staff voted and the result was declared after the voting was over.

Sangay Tshering Nidup of IXB  and Pema Yuden of IXA secured highest votes and were selected as a school vice-captain, and followed by Neeya Ghalley of IXC as a counselor.


They will have an official khadar ceremony soon.
